Pool water analysis kit

Private customer

125,00 TTC

Check the quality of your pool water for safe swimming

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Why do I have to analyze the water in my chlorinated pool?

  • A pool is a place of conviviality where families, children, sensitive people bathe. Its water is in direct contact with the skin and can even be ingested (in minimal amount) accidentally by a child for example. Its quality is therefore paramount.
  • An abnormal aspect of the water (suspicious color, deposit, impurities …) must alert you. Find the source of the problem
  • Check that the chlorine level and the pH are correct.

The analysed parameters

  • Physico-chemical parameters: pH, TA / TAC, conductivity, TOC, chlorine (free, total, free active), residual chlorine, stabilizer (isocyanuric acid)
  • Microbiological parameters: total coliforms, Escherichia coli, bacteria revivable at 36 ° C, aureus staphylococci

The regulation

  • Order of 07/04/1991 laying down the hygiene and safety standards applicable to swimming pools. Check the quality of your bathing water.

The contents of the kit

A complete turnkey kit will be provided. It contains :

  • 3 specific sampling bottles:
    • 1 bottle of 500 ml plastic for the analysis of physicochemical parameters
    • 1 bottle of 500 ml sterile plastic containing a neutralizer for microbiological parameters
    • 1 100 ml brown glass bottle for chlorine analysis
  • 1 insulated box
  • 2 loaves of ice (to be frozen at least the day before sampling)
  • 1 procedure for sampling
  • 1prepaid return shipping slip

How to take my sample?

The collection of your indoor air is an important operation that requires special care.

Non-compliance with sampling procedures may alter the results of the analysis and distort the interpretation.

Follow the sampling procedure (instructions provided in the kit) and send us your samples for an analysis of your indoor air in our laboratory.

Delivery by our carrier is offered

Your analysis results

Results sent within 12 days by email after the samples receipt.

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